Every pet deserves its special space

Every pet deserves its special space

Companionship, psycho-social development and, of course, fun: having a pet at home brings countless benefits to the family. We understand this and guarantee a special space for them in our architectural projects.

Psychologists argue that children who relate to pets develop faster notions of companionship and responsibility. Biologists ensure that the direct relationship also has a positive impact on health, strengthening the immune system.

In architecture, this relationship is strengthened in materials with extra durability to ensure resistance against claws and sharp fangs. Technological blades, organic fabrics with rustic wefts and pieces that stimulate interaction configure labyrinths, resting places and visual and tactile stimulation for pets of all kinds.

The furniture follows the same premises: the sofa is also the dog's. The cat has a great time walking around the bookshelf and the sideboard. And so, details so sincere in the relationship of each resident are translated into architectural resources that reinforce the union between each meow and lick.

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